Management Organs of The Society

General meetings

The society shall hold three types of general meetings for which an attendance quorum must be met as described

a) Annual General Meetings

Annual General Meetings shall be held for receiving considering and approving

  1. Annual financial accounts, summary of reports audited management audit accounts
  2. Reports of sums available for distribution of dividends
  • The annual budget estimates
  1. The society corporate strategic plan, business plan and implementation programmes
  2. Determine the amount of honoraria, if any
  3. Any other business as the board may find relevant


b) Ordinary General Meetings

These meetings shall be held for

i) Determining the number of board members where the need arises

ii) Amending the constitution where the need arises

iii) Electing, suspending or removing members of the board

iv) Acquiring or dispensing movable an immovable property of the society

v) Approving contracts and agreements

vi) Reading and approving matters for the ordinary General meetings (and special general meeting if called for)

vii) Reading and considering implementation reports for development matters as presented by the board

viii) Approving estimates for income and expenditure of the following accounting period

ix) Discussing and approving all developments matters of the society

c) Special general Meetings

i) The society shall hold special general meetings such meetings shall be copied to the registrar of the cooperative societies provided that each such special general meeting shall have one specific agenda

ii) The society shall call for special general meetings where the need arises and according to requirements of rules 2015